My Story

I was born and raised in Yerevan, Armenia. With hopes for more opportunities and for a better life, my family migrated to the United States when I was 16 years old. Acclimating to a new country as a teenager was not a positive experience for so many reasons. I missed my life, my friends and my home country! I struggled with adjusting to the societal norms of a foreign place where I had no roots. I was terrified because I spoke very little English. I struggled with making friends and interacting with others. I felt lost and out of place. I turned to food for comfort and before I knew it, I was overweight and my self-esteem was at its lowest. Being overweight as a teenager caused me to miss out on so many social activities and missed opportunities. I felt ashamed of myself and constantly felt judged by others because of my physical appearance. As I got older, my habits didn’t change. I was addicted to sugar, carbs and caffeine!


My life changed completely when I met the love of my life and husband with whom I have two amazing children. I was the happiest I had ever been in my life as a newlywed and especially when I became a mother. But, my back to back pregnancies caused more weight gain and my health spiraled out of control. As a new mother, I was focused on my family, work and others. Forgetting about self-love and self-care. I became morbidly obese and saw my health declining. I had no energy and I was unable to be fully present with my kids.


I’ll never forget the day when I had my annual physical and my doctor informed me that if I didn’t change my lifestyle, I was highly likely to have a heart attack by the age of 40. I was stunned hearing those words. I knew I had to make changes. But I had no clue where to start. I was overwhelmed and terrified of the thought of not being around to watch my children grow!


After many years of poor eating and yo-yo dieting, I finally learned the connection between a healthy lifestyle and feeling strong and confident.

In 2015, on Mother’s Day, I learned about holistic health and functional medicine. Instead of trying “quick fix” diets, I began focusing more on the root cause of my failing health. Over 100 pounds shed and a boost of self-confidence allowed me to step out on stage as a fitness competitor. I did my first natural bodybuilding show at the age of 37. Three years later, at age 40, I did not have a heart attack. Instead, I ran my first marathon in Los Angeles and became a Strong Nation fitness instructor!  

This transformation inspired me to create B.E.A.C.H. Inc. or Build Empire and Change Health Inc. The idea came to me when I celebrated my 35th birthday in the Bahamas. It was also the beginning of my new lifestyle. I was walking along the beach with my husband and I told him I was going to start a tribe. A tribe for inspiring, boosting self-confidence and transforming lives! A tribe that facilitated others to experience freedom from unhealthy living and financial binds.   

I’m passionate about introducing an alternative way for people to accomplish their health goals; without pharmaceuticals! Best of all, I can teach you all about getting ahead of financial setbacks. My journey has empowered me to improve my life and I want to pass my knowledge and experience to help others transform their lives!

Healthy Lifestyle Simplified

Living the B.E.A.C.H life…

B.E.A.C.H stands for Build Empire and Change Health. This is my way of thinking and doing. BUILD EMPIRE is all about financial freedom and time gained back in your life to experience more meaningful and fulfilling activities. With CHANGE HEALTH, you are improving in physical, mental, spiritual and environmental health. It is all about working towards goals and making dreams come true. Sometimes we are not happy with where our life choices have taken us. Thus, I believe everyone deserves a second chance to rewrite their story to live a fulfilled and purposeful B.E.A.C.H. life!

 “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” – Maya Angelou

When I help someone transform themselves physically, financially and spiritually, the journey reminds me of the metamorphosis of a butterfly. Perhaps the butterfly is proof that you can go through a great deal of darkness and uncertainty yet become something extraordinary, unique and beautiful. Change is not always comfortable but necessary for continued growth and wellbeing. By changing old patterns and habits, you allow yourself to transform like a butterfly and let your true nature shine. I will guide you so that you don’t quit on yourself before the miracle happens. We will work together to let go of the past and learn how to trust the future. You will learn to embrace change.

Spread out your wings. Dare to get off the ground and fly. You are meant to thrive. It’s never too late to start your health transformation journey. You deserve to transform your life: physically, mentally, spiritually and financially!